The moon is pregnant, her belly bulging out to here.
As darkness descends, she rises, casting her mysterious glow over the earth.
Isn’t that what we all want? To feel full beyond measure? To give birth to wha i’s perfect and lovely, to shine brightly, and to have our gifts be valued?
Our culture moves to the rhythm of the Sun, not the Moon. And often we expect the Moon to behave as the Sun does, beaming intensely in a steady beat, the same beat as industry—bang! bang! bang! bang!
But the moon moves to a different rhythm, in tune with the Soul. She is more of a poem than a to-do list.
We have become accustomed to seeing the Moon only in print—captured, frozen in time, most often full and round and perfect—but that’s not how the Moon really is. She isn’t full all. the. time.
I invite you to witness the moon as she is, in real time. In real life. Out in the fresh, night air. Alive, active, rising, setting, waxing, waning, dark. She is the essence of the Feminine – powerfully influential—with a force so magnetic, it can turn the tide.
Can you think of any tides that need turning? I can.
She gives, in each moment, whatever she has to give. Sometimes that’s a glorious, enchanting fullness, but just as often it’s merely a sliver. As humans, we say, “why bother?” Yet she wanes, unapologetically. She gives to the degree that she has in each moment. No excuses. No disclaimers. Sometimes even our sliver can light up someone’s world.
Sometimes she finds herself having given all, spent, with nothing left to give. She does not run for the hills. She does not give up. She holds her course, she holds space for the return of the Light, because she knows how things come full circle.
Instead, she focuses on receiving. Reflecting, not deflecting. Chilling, absorbing the Light, until she can give again from her abundance.
Whether she’s full, whether she’s waning, her job is to reflect the Divine light she’s been given —no matter if anyone notices, regardless of who approves. What comes of her giving is not her business, not her work.
I hope that, like the Moon, your gifts and wisdom glow in the dark, that you learn to give and receive, and that you feel beloved by a constellation of bright beings, be they family, friends, or strangers.