King Vulture

resourcefulness | cycle of life
Incarnated challenger of standards and assumptions, you devour outgrown myths of separation and lack.
Vulture provides a valuable service: recycling. Vulture processes what’s come to its end. They are able to see and use what’s still viable, which is a way of being frugal and discerning. It’s not glamorous work, but someone’s got to do it. Sometimes our calling requires us to stand in our truth, even if it’s unpopular, even if we’re misunderstood.
Is it time to clean out your closets? Cross off the tangents on your calendar and get back to what really matters? Use Vulture’s discerning eye to see what’s still juicy and worth savoring. Make some room for the new.
If Vulture’s shadow is circling above you today:
What in your life appears to be lifeless? What activity can you do to invigorate it?
Or is it time to offer it to be redistributed back into the Life Force?
Time to take a box of goods to the thrift store or women’s shelter?
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