
voice | enchantment
You enchant the world with your signature song, reminding us to let our hearts to sing.
The Songbird uses her voice without apology. She doesn’t question whether she’s a “good enough” singer or whether she has enough followers. To her singing is just part of being alive. She encourages us to sing our authentic song from the heart, for the sheer joy of expression.
The word enchantment comes from the word for sing/chant. The world enchants us with bird songs and the wind in the trees, with the gurgling of a river or the call of a wolf. Songbird reminds us of our opportunity to enchant the world with the instrument we’ve been given: our voice.
If Songbird has chirped her way into your life:
How can you use your voice to amplify your authentic self-expression?
Create a playlist of anthems or lullabies or love songs or ? What vibration do you need right now?
Take a cue from the birds: every morning and evening sing a beautiful song out loud.
Try making up a song about all the things you love. “I love the light that shines through my window, I love my cat who purrs in my ear. I love ice cream and peonies and beautiful china.”
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