
survival | determination
Waddling arctic pilgrim of purpose, nothing stands in your way. You cluster in mutual support from the stark reality of being.
Penguin doesn’t wait for perfect conditions to embark on her epic journeys, but then again she doesn’t set out alone. She begins by believing wholeheartedly in achieving the impossible. Her steadfast resolve compels her past all obstacles and dangers.
Together, with likeminded others, she stays the course until reaching her goal.
Her streamlined body is perfectly designed for gliding on smooth ice, barrelling through icy pools, and facing fierce winter storms. Even in extreme weather, her steadfast courage melts our heart.
If Penguin has waddled into your territory:
What journey calls to you, even if it looks impossible?
What flock can you join to help you on your journey?
What can you streamline to help you meet the challenges you face?
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