
wisdom | insight
Wise one asking nocturnal questions in the darkness, you know what stirs while others sleep.
Owl’s swiveling gaze allows her to see things from many perspectives, without having to adjust her position. From where she sits, she “takes it all in.” The message here is that you can process much more information than you are currently.
Owl has great night vision and a keen sense of hearing. This combination of superpowers: to see and to hear gives her great insight and the ability to “get” what others miss.
If Owl has swooped silently onto a perch near you, he may be suggesting you:
Look at a situation from many different angles. What’s straight ahead? Behind you? On the periphery?
Close your eyes. What can you see in the dark that may not be visible in the light?
What insights can be gained during the night hours? Keep a journal by your bed to write down dreams before they fade or experiment with journaling just before you go to bed. Ask some basic questions: Who, who? What, what? When, when? Why, why?
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