
joy | potency
Flitting from one thimble of joy to the next, you surprise and delight with flashes of iridescence.
Feisty Hummingbird packs a lot of personality into a small package. The message is to distill to a concentrated form. Like tiny helicopters, Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly in all directions—forwards, backward, up and down. Their lightness keeps them nimble, which makes it easy to find the nectar hidden in tiny flowers. All you need is a tiny taste of your Dream to get your heart racing.
Hummingbird tells us to keep moving, dive in and go after what we want with a big appetite for life. Short and sweet is the motto, whether it’s board meetings, conversations, or vacations.
If Hummingbird is buzzing by you today, Where will it find sweetness in your life? What brings you joy? Can you get a taste of it somehow today? What is in bloom right now? Aspects of our lives bloom and subside or even go dormant. What is in season now? What “fills you up?” Where in your life can you “lighten up?” What needs paring down so you can fully enjoy the essentials?
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