
You flaunt your true colors and awkward quirks, redefining beautiful. With teamwork you orchestrate passion and poetry.
Flamingo’s signature color comes from their diet, illustrating the idea that we are what we eat. Taken further, we become what we consume: books, media, experiences. If your life is looking a little pale, wade further into the deep end, past your current comfort zone. Feed in the nutrient-rich waters of new flavors, tastes and experiences.
Flamingo also brings us lessons about teamwork. Together the female and male Flamingo build and defend their nest, engage in dramatic synchronized courtship rituals, and even feed their young, both with a milky substance produced in their glands. Unless a Flamingo shows its true colors, it will miss out on this co-creative adventure.
If Flamingo is standing one-legged in your yard today:
How can you add more rich color to your life? What experiences can you seek out?
How can you express yourself with a little more flair?
Who might you team up with to bring something new into being? How can you amplify your true colors, so that person can find you?
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