
magic | boldness
Bold, audacious scavenger misfit, you’re beyond cause and effect, filling your sky with magic. You congregate, contemplate, and create from the deep void.
Crafty Crow is one smart cookie. They can use tools and perform a series of tasks, a sign of high intelligence. Crows have been known to train humans to feed them by “repaying” them with small trinkets and shiny wrappers. Crows also have emotional intelligence. They associate faces with a person’s past behavior and will hold grudges. The lesson here is give-and-take, forming mutually beneficial relationships. Talkative Crow reminds us to speak up and use our voice, particularly if someone has crossed our boundaries.
Playful Crow is the keeper of Magic, the unexpected surprises, synchronicities and hidden gems that keep life interesting.
If Crow is caw-cawing near you today, pay attention.
How can you cultivate more give-and-take in your relationships?
Are you willing to consciously invite Magic to play in the realm of your life?
In what area of your life could you use a little of Crow’s boldness?
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