
What is YOUR Dream?

Tucked away in forests, parks, and at festivals, the Dream Hatching Nest gives people an unexpected moment to reconnect with their Dream. Not just a wish, but the Dream that keeps calling to them.

I ask them to write it on a piece of paper and wrap that around a pinecone. That just gives it the egg shape. As they place it in the nest, they make a promise to themselves to somehow, someday bring it to life.

What is YOUR Dream?

What wants to be brought to life through you?

What is more important than that?

To be an artist.

To be a rockstar parent.

To be a creator of stories, substance, song and live a simple life by the water.

To find, recognize and embrace true, inspiring, affirming romantic love.

To write and record an album of songs in joy and creative flow.

To create music, dance and movement in community.

To start my own practice to serve the healing of others.

Fall in love again.

To be a published writer.

I want to create beauty. I will show my soul through my hand crafts.

To open a Mediterranean restaurant.

To have ice cream every night.

To live with an open heart and allow joy to move me where I am needed to be of service.

To become an advocate for people with disabilities.

To have a successful career sharing the healing power of yoga.




OneLove Festival 

Lake Perris, Ca

Bioneers Conference

San Rafael, Ca

Arts in Nature Festival 

Seattle, WA


Green Lake, Seattle, WA

Happiness Festival 

Anacortes, WA