
It’s time to quit stalling. Numbing, hemming, hawing. It’s time to quit the excuses, the sabotage, the procrastination.

It’s time.

It’s time to bring your Dream to life — from embryonic idea to full-fledged manifestation.

Sure, everybody wants to be that soaring bird, but nobody wants to be the downy hatchling first. Or trapped in the egg and still swirling with hardly a backbone yet. 

Through the process, we develop both clarity and hopefully, the courage we need to embody the greatest, most interesting version of the possibilities available to us. Fate dictates the parameters, and let’s face it, we’re all handicapped in some way. Some more obvious than others.  

Clarity starts with vision: from looking at your life from a bird’s-eye view, to seeing yourself in a whole new way and with more accuracy. Courage comes from the heart: knowing your purpose, knowing the stakes, and rising to the occasion. You can’t buy that. It has to be developed. Nurtured. 

It’s time. 

Don’t be satisfied with stories,
how things have gone with others.
Unfold your own myth… – Rumi



Tucked away in forests and at festivals, the Dream Hatching Nest provides the time and the context for people to ask themselves one simple question:

What is YOUR Dream?


Click on the bird that resonates most with you.

What is your Dream?

I offer local (Washington state) Dream Hatching workshops for women, as well as online and guided eQuests. 


Dream Hatching offers a creative path to bring your embryonic idea to a fully-formed, fully-fledged reality.

Weaving metaphor, beautiful imagery, and ancient wisdom from the bird world, Dream Hatching calls us to be receptive, intuitive, and more attuned to what wants to emerge through us.

Working with archetypes, creative exercises, guided meditations, timeless ritual, and our own childlike imagination, Dream Hatching launches us on the greatest adventure of life: becoming who we came here to be.

FIND YOUR FLOCK: Through self-reflection, identify your gifts and work with others who are “headed in the same direction.”

MIGRATE: Go out of your way to find or create a habitat in which you can thrive.

LISTEN: Embrace silence and dormancy, so you can hear what’s calling to be born through you.

SAY YES: Offer yourself as a vessel through which something new can be born into this world.

NEST: Create space for that which is coming into being.

BROOD: Sounds so easy, doesn’t it? Just sit there. Learn what it means to hold space for your Dream while it finds its form.

HATCH: Allow the creation to emerge naturally. Don’t force it.

FLEDGE: Take the leap of faith. You’ll really appreciate having a flock on this one.

SOAR: Enjoy your “day in the sun.” Allow the thermals to carry you further than you ever dreamed.


“Dream Hatching has catapulted me into action!  I LOVE your book, your words, your inspiration — the images especially are so very nurturing and inspiring. “

“Your book – absolutely beautiful, Constance. I found myself feeling so calm and yet energized as I read them, letting my eyes roll over the page/images, thoughts, then turned another page… Simply beautiful and spiritual. I even breathed more slowly, in fact, I’m breathing more slowly just thinking of those images/words… Definitely this was a winner!! Thank you so much.”

“Your book is absolutely stunning – a work of art! I really appreciate the ability to download it!”