Where does courage come from?

Where does courage come from?

The reason more people don’t go for their Dream is they lack either clarity or courage. To change our course, we often have to give up one thing – safety, predictability, the known – for the big Unknown, buoyed only by our innocent hope for something better. Often...
What does vulnerabilty look like?

What does vulnerabilty look like?

In my last post I showed an adorable photo of this baby bird, to illustrate how vulnerable I felt in launching Dream Hatching. Adorable, isn’t she? The only problem is, it’s bullshit. THIS is what a newly hatched bird looks like: Not so adorable. And yet, a Dream...
Am I too old to go for my Dream?

Am I too old to go for my Dream?

Tap. Tap. Tap-tap. Inside the Robin egg, an almost-bird uses its “egg-tooth” to chip away at the shell from the inside out. Gradually it has outgrown the safe haven of the egg. The space that once felt expansive, now feels cramped. The tiny hatchling can’t possibly...