I have always had “a foot in both worlds,” the physical one and the Unseen, the latter feeling more like home to me than this one.
I have long stopped trying to get people to understand that aspect of myself. I use the term mystic, as sort of a shorthand for a deep inner life.
For the most part I’ve been able to weave in and out between the two, surfacing to maintain my presence here, what I call “baste-stitching” myself to the world.
Lately though, the contrast between these two aspects of life is increasing.
My inner life is serene, ecstatic at times, creative and engaging. I feel it deepening even, with the solitude amid the pandemic.
As the turbulence in the outer world increases, I find myself again and again, returning to the stillpoint in the center, the eye of the storm if you will.
I can hear the sirens wailing. I see things whizzing past, having been ripped from their foundations. I tune in to patchy dispatches on social media. I read the weather reports. Storm front after storm front.
I’m aware of what’s going on, but I’m not, in all honesty out risking my life to save others. And there are many “others,” vulnerable, powerless, without shelter.
I’m not a practical person. I’m not an organizer. I amplify others voices when I can.
With my sort of dual citizenship, I don’t have a lot of the “currency” of this world: money, power, influence. My “bank account” is “across the border,” so to speak.
I feel an even deeper calling these days to be of service in the realm in which I’m most comfortable, to speak in my mother tongue they used to say.
I don’t care anymore if that sounds weird. It may look a lot like doing “nothing.” For those not attuned to the Unseen world, it seems a bit like foolishness. Nonsense.
It’s not non-sense, but a different kind of sense, and one I know not everyone has. I feel responsible to use that gift for good as much as I am able.
Each person has to navigate their own way, make their own choices. But it seems to me in whatever way you are called to serve, now is a good time to double down.